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Event Monitoring Specialist

Cardiology Associates of Frederick

Cardiologists located in Frederick, MD

If the results of your electrocardiogram (EKG) are inconclusive, you may need event monitoring. This ambulatory test monitors cardiac activity for up to 30 days while you go about your usual activities. Cardiology Associates of Frederick specializes in cardiac testing and offers event monitoring. For comprehensive cardiac care, call the office in Frederick, Maryland, or book a consultation online today.

Event Monitoring Q & A

What is event monitoring?

Event monitoring, also known as ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring, is a test that monitors cardiac activity while you go about your ordinary routine. It’s a portable device that collects cardiac electrical activity when you’re having symptoms.

Event monitoring works like an electrocardiogram (EKG), which measures the electrical activity in your heart. Your heart’s electrical activity sets your heart rhythm and the pumping action of your heart, which moves blood throughout your body. 

An EKG measures electrical activity of your heart during only a very limited period of time. With event monitoring, the cardiologists at Cardiology Associates of Frederick can find heart problems that can’t be identified during your EKG. 

Why would I need event monitoring?

Your cardiologist at Cardiology Associates of Frederick explains why you need event monitoring. As noted, the test may be recommended if you have symptoms indicating an irregular heartbeat, or arrhythmia, but the results of your EKG or Holter monitoring are inconclusive. 

Your cardiologist may recommend event monitoring if your heartbeat is too fast, too slow, or irregular. You may also benefit from event monitoring if you have intermittent symptoms of an arrythmia, such as heart palpitations, dizziness, or fainting. 

How does event monitoring work?

Event monitoring starts with a visit to Cardiology Associates of Frederick. During the visit, your cardiologist explains how your event monitoring works and provides specific instructions on how and when to use the device.

Some event monitors record cardiac data only when they detect an arrhythmia. You may also be able to initiate a recording when you experience symptoms. 

At the office, your cardiologist places electrodes on your chest, which attach to the portable EKG device you wear on your clothing. They explain how and when to change the sensors on your chest.

Your cardiologist also requests you keep a diary of symptoms, including the time, date, and your activity during your event monitoring.

Cardiology Associates of Frederick recommends you avoid certain devices that may disrupt the signal while wearing the device, such as cellphones, electric blankets, electric toothbrushes, magnets, and metal detectors. 

What happens after event monitoring?

After your event monitoring, your provider reviews the data and your diary. They schedule a follow-up appointment to discuss the results and the next steps. 

Cardiology Associates of Frederick wants you to feel your best. Call the office or schedule your comprehensive cardiac consultation online today.